VarYox was initiated as the first Azerbaijani and English language art and cultural platform founded by local artists in 2018. Our mission is to display the artworks of Azerbaijani artists both in national and international arenas, to archive the innovations in the art and culture spheres by combining social and art activism. One of our main missions is to express that culture is the common value that unites us. 

  • Belief in art and  culture as a catalyst for social change

  • Diversity and inclusivity

  • Transparency

  • A partnership is more important than personal interests

  • Innovation and creativity

These rules (“Rules”) includes the strategy and procedures implemented by “VarYox” LLC (“VarYox” or “Organization”) under the policy of Prevention from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.

The terms that are used in this regulation:

Sexual exploitation – any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, threatening or profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another. 

Sexual abuse – the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions.

 General Provisions

VarYox has a zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. VarYox will not tolerate its staff, associates, partners or any other representatives associated with the delivery of its work to engage in any form of sexual exploitation or abuse. Vulnerable adults, women and children are particularly at risk of sexual exploitation and abuse. VarYox is committed to protecting all communities that the organisation works with from sexual exploitation and abuse at all times. Please see definitions for a full outline who is included in the community. The purpose of the PSEA Framework, including the policy, procedures and resources, is to establish an outline of the importance of the framework and clear procedures. This policy ensures that all VarYox staff, associates, and partners are aware of their role and responsibilities in keeping communities and stakeholders safe from any form of sexual exploitation or abuse. The policy clarifies definitions and responsibilities regarding prohibited behaviour and the associated PSEA procedures outline the reporting and investigation processes.

Accountability Statement

Accountability is formulated based on the rules and internal procedures, which includes the below-mentioned points:

  • The PSEA policy applies to all VarYox staff, associates, and partners who must comply with its requirements and understand the sanctions that may be applied for breaches of the policy.
  • Where required by law or local practices, VarYox may enhance the standards as set out in this policy.
  • This commitment will be evidenced through reading and understanding the policy and the rules.
  • Training in this policy is mandatory for all VarYox staff, associates, and partners
  • The director and all employee of VarYox are responsible for its implementation.
  • It is the responsibility of all representatives of VarYox to raise any concerns regarding sexual exploitation and abuse
  • VarYox takes all concerns and complaints seriously and will initiate a comprehensive investigation of complaints that are in violation of this policy and take disciplinary and possibly legal action as warranted.

VarYox’s Obligations
VarYox believes that all people have a right to live their lives free from sexual exploitation and abuse and will not tolerate its staff, associate, or partners engaging in any sort of behaviour that puts beneficiaries or communities at risk. To that end, VarYox commits to: 
1. Creating a safe culture for both those it serves and those who work for and represent the organisation. 
2. Following through on any complaints and concerns in a timely manner through its Safeguarding Committee and taking each complaint seriously.
3. Sensitising staff, associates, and partners, around how to make a complaint.
4. Ensuring zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse. 
5. Building a culture of dignity, honor and respect where all those who work with and are served by VarYox feel empowered to report complaints. 
6. Educating staff, associates, and partners that sexual exploitation and abuse constitute gross misconduct and are grounds for termination of employment and possibly legal action.
7. Providing information on how to report complaints and the investigation procedure. 
8. Ensuring that all staff, associates, and partners have access to the PSEA policy and procedures as well as all other related safeguarding policies. 
9. Providing training to all staff, associates, and partners on PSEA.
Staff Responsibility

  • All staff, associates, and partners are required to adhere to this policy at all times and are obliged to report any suspicions of sexual exploitation and abuse of others.
  • All staff, associates, and partners are required to acknowledge of having read and understood the policy.

Employees, business partners and partners of the organization, in case of violation of any provision of these Rules, may be prosecuted and dismissed by the management in the manner and to the extent established by the relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Safeguarding Committee

In the event of concerns and complaints, the Organization shall promptly establish a Committee to Protect against Sexual Exploitation and Rape (“Safeguarding Committee”) to conduct a thorough investigation and, if necessary, to take disciplinary and other legal action.
The Safeguarding Committee is comprised of 5 members: 
1. One woman in a Senior Management Role 
2. Three members will be from across different departments of the organization. 
3. A fifth member who is an external expert in harassment, sexual exploitation or abuse. 

Representation in the Safeguarding Committee should be based on gender equality. The Safeguarding Committee undertakes to inform employees about sexual exploitation, sexual violence, sexual harassment, harassment, and necessary protection, to listen to concerns and complaints, to investigate them and to take other appropriate measures.

They will be trained by the Safeguarding Committee on all security rules, as well as by the management of the reporting and investigation process, and will be familiar with the relevant legislation in advance. The Defense Committee will also be provided with specialized first aid training so that they can provide appropriate support when needed.

After a thorough and thorough investigation of the concerns and complaints, the defense committee will require the accused to pay appropriate compensation to the victim and immediately dismiss them.

Confidentiality of Complaint 

VarYox will maintain the confidentiality of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse in order to protect the integrity of the investigation into complaints received by the organization and to prevent embarrassment, discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Confidential information obtained by any employee during the investigation shall not be disclosed to other persons, except as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Concerns about the confidentiality of information provided by individuals, the information provided by them will be treated as sensitively as possible, and the information will not be disclosed to others unnecessarily.

However, VarYox cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, as the Organization cannot conduct an effective investigation without disclosing certain information to the alleged perpetrator of sexual exploitation, sexual violence, sexual harassment, abuse, rape and other offenses. VarYox will only share information on allegations of sexual exploitation, abuse and rape with those who need to know about it. Records of complaints of sexual abuse, sexual violence, sexual harassment, abuse and rape will be kept confidential on the same basis.

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