
Tarlan Qorchu

Born and raised in Baku, the professional career of contemporary artist, theatre artist and director Tarlan Gorchu has spanned the museum, gallery and the stage. Tarlan's love of art began with a childhood interest in Ətraflı bax

Art and Photography

Zarnishan Yusif

Baku-based contemporary artist Zarnishan Yusif was educated at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art, where she gained both her bachelor's and master's degrees. A member of the Young Artists' section of the Azerbaijan Union Ətraflı bax

Art and Photography

LIVE performance

Focusing on over-consumption in the artworld and indifference to the conceptual concerns of artists and their work, the performance CANLI by artists Sitara Ibrahimbayli and Vusal Rahim seeks to have a critical approach to exhibition Ətraflı bax

Art and Photography

Ilkin Huseynov

Born in Ganja, but now based in Baku, photojournalist and artist Ilkin Huseynov has explored his practice through photography, filmmaking, and book publication. Ilkin was educated in Europe, earning praise at a young age for Ətraflı bax