City guys

Murad Mammadov

Murad Mammadov thinks that human potential is so great that it is unfair to do only one thing. He is a specialist in disability and personal development, an actor, an activist, and the author of "Ətraflı bax


HH0066 – Drama Tool

Today we are presenting you an anonymous musician. Actually, most our followers are already more or less acquainted with him/her. But s/he decided to experiment a little out of style. Now it is Ətraflı bax


Rasulov – Mix #4

Farid Rasulov is on Xodver again with his 4th mix! It should be noted that Farid's exhibition named "Qurban olum" was scheduled for March 18 - June 15, 2020. Hope that you will have a chance to attend Ətraflı bax

Art and Photography

Tarlan Qorchu

Born and raised in Baku, the professional career of contemporary artist, theatre artist and director Tarlan Gorchu has spanned the museum, gallery and the stage. Tarlan's love of art began with a childhood interest in Ətraflı bax


Reef – Bitbire #2

Here is spring and we celebrate Nowruz Holiday saying #stayathome. This is our holiday gift for you on "XodVer", enjoy! Happy holidays, but not like this one!Ətraflı bax

Let's Talk

Taleh Yuzbayov

The actor and video blogger Taleh Yuzbeyov who is famous recently with web series like “Toxic” and “Middle-class Rasim” is on “Let's talk”. He  commented on the moments that were realized with disapproval by the Ətraflı bax