Art on a Wall

“Art on a Wall” is a digital art project by @tardino6 that invites artists to ‘decorate’ a building in Icherisheher, at Kichik Qala 58. ‘Art on a Wall’ democratizes contemporary art and attempts to bring it Ətraflı bax


P.E.A.R.L. – 1 June

P.E.A.R.L. released the album "Temptation Through impatience", one of the highest achievements of his career, in 2017 under his own label Falling Ethics. His music combines aggressive rythms, elegant, mental and experimental Ətraflı bax


Love, Death and Robots

Love, Death and Robots is undoubtedly a unique and interesting project that expands the standards of the series in new formats. In terms of concepts, Miller and Fincher have revolutionized the screen format - bringing Ətraflı bax