Alexey Kuzmitchev was born in 1977 in Moscow. He studied Biology at Moscow State University in 1997-2002. Kuzmitchev also graduated from The Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow (ICA) in 2009. He has started professional career since 2000 and has about 30 publications in international magazines and 13 exhibitions held in different countries.

Experiencing subconscious horror from the imperfection, cruelty, meaninglessness and inevitable finiteness of the surrounding reality, continue further
Locked in an imaginary, impossible for existence, reality from which it is not possible to get out, and such an opportunity itself, for the subject, is very far away in time and space, and is practically not real. But at some point, in the future or in the present, for a person in a photograph or for an author reflecting on his hero, the very need for a transition from a terrifying reality to the correct, normal disappears. And the surrounding reality becomes the only possible one for existence, despite all its horror. The imperceptible, unconscious acceptance of this circumstance becomes a source of strength for the further existence and possible transformation of external reality or internal attitude to it.
Afisha, Afisha-World, Bolshoy gorod, Russkyi Reporter, Expert, Russkaya zhizn’, Snob, BlacSquare, Vogue, Officiel, Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire, GQ, Jalousse, Gala, Citizen Q, Rolling Stone, Empire, Newsweek, Time, Le Monde 2, Forbes, Telerama, Lire, Time Out, Ringzwei, The Art Newspaper Russia, Imago, OjodePez, European Photography.
2017 Pingyao International festival of photography (PIP festival), “Relics from the Spaceship”.
2016 Photobiennale “Cities and memory”, Brandts Museum, Odense, Denmark.
2013 Noorderlicht festival. “Oblivion”, Groningen. Netherlands
2012 PhotoVisa International Festival for Photography, “Heroes”, Krasnodar, Russia.
2012 FotoFest2012, Conteporary Russian Photography, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
2009 In Box of Dreams, group show of Russian artist within the 9 International festival of photography. Pingyao, China.
2009 Exhibition of graduated students of The Institute of Contemporary Art in Moskow, Central House of Artists. Moscow.
2008 Russian Perspective. New photography from Russia. Vol.I – Senko gallery, Viborg, Denmark
2008 Chekhov in Vogue – Polina Lobachevskaya Gallery in conjunction with Vogue, Moscow, Russia
2007 NEW LOOK. NEW GENERATION. Within the framework of Moscow International Festival Fashion and Style Photography – 2007
2006 Involves me. Involves everyone, a project for social campaign StopAIDS. – The traveling exhibition has been on display at 7 cities in Russia
2005 Guild Portrait of Russian Stock Market – State Museum of Contemporary History, Moscow
2002 Space of the Horse – Hermes gallery, Moscow